With COVID-hysteria raging throughout the world, many doctors are risking their careers and reputations to speak out against the prevailing narrative.Dr. Andrew Kaufman is one of those doctors who is encouraging people to consider the alternative...
With just about every square inch of land on earth being controlled by government, where can sovereign people go to be free? Join me for an interesting conversation with Joe Quirk of the Seasteading Institute. We will talk about how floating cities...
In this powerful interview, John Bush talks to James Corbett of the Corbett Report to shine light on how COVID-19 has accelerated the insider's plans to usher in a technocratic and authoritarian global government. By better understanding the plans...
In this talk, streamed live and recorded at the second Central Texas Freedom Cell Summit, John Bush, shares how freedom cells can help us prepare for and opt out of COVID tyranny and the great reset. He also talks about how to organize freedom cell...
Hey friend, as I write this the COVID-19 vaccine is being slowly rolled out through the world. First in England and soon the United States. As we have documented on this show in the past, along with the vaccine will most certainly come a whole slew...
What if law enforcement simply stopped enforcing victimless crimes? Howard Lichtman believes doing this one thing would dramatically reduce the occurrence of police brutality while also increasing cohesion between law enforcement and the community...
Let's face it, in life, shit happens. How we choose to respond to it informs the life we live. Will we play the victim and attract more grief, financial struggle and servitude? Or we will step into our power and take control of our lives. The choice...
While few jurisdictions may make the COVID vaccine mandatory, many governments and businesses will most likely make life hard for you should you refuse to take the soon to be distributed vaccine. In this video, John explains how entrepreneurship...
The image above is what the “great reset” has in store for you. For real y’all!!! Look, I’ve been ahead of the curve and on point with many things in my life. I caught on to the 9/11 false flag in 02, back then with all the...
I was truly honored when Jack Spirko invited me to present on Freedom Cells at his 2020 Survival Podcast Workshop. While I love a good event, I was totally blown away by how inspiring the workshop was for me. I also didn’t anticipate meeting...