In this podcast John Bush talks about his journey with entrepreneurship and how even though it has been difficult at time, it has been extremely liberating and has afforded him freedom he would never have working for someone else.He also touches on...
In this podcast, John Bush covers the basics of cryptocurrency including valuable tips and strategies on how to acquire crypto, keep it safe from thieves and yourself, and when to buy and when to HODL! He downloads a bitcoin wallet while LIVE and...
In this talk John Bush shares information and advice regarding kratom and CBD. This took place at the Survival Podcast 2020 Workshop. Try a Free Ounce of Kratom here -
John Bush presents at the Survival Podcast 2020 Workshop on the benefits of freedom cells and how to organize your community. In the talk he discusses the genesis of the Freedom Cell idea as well how the network can help insulate us from the...
In this podcast, John Bush talks to Derrick Broze of the Conscious Resistance. They go in-depth on the Dark Winter scenario and the World Economic Forum's technocratic marketing plan, the Great Reset.Shedding light on these monumental schemes...
In this podcast, John Bush encourages viewers to stay on their grind, no matter who is in power. It's up to each and every one of use to step outside of victim-mode, to not depend on politicians to fix our common problems, and to take massive action...
In this video, John Bush breaks down the landscape of current and future threats to liberty and privacy and he lays out a strategy of how we can find freedom in an unfree world.World Economic Forum article referenced - ...
Some may be offended by the comic above. For me, it’s funny cuz it’s true. Wouldn’t you rather have self governance than be ruled Trump or Biden and their corrupt political parties? Check out my recent podcast podcast – LFN...
With the growth of tyranny we are facing, it's important that we look at our struggle for freedom not in terms of election cycles but in terms of generations. Our hope for liberty lies in our children and our children's children. In this video, John...
In this video, John Bush discusses the importance of defying C@V!D tyranny with a great big smile. Subscribe to the podcast at Get a FREE Ounce of Kratom here -