LFN#18 – Organizing the Freedom Cell Network

Episode 18

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In this podcast, John Bush shares what freedom cells are and why the time is not to start building a freedom cell network in your area.


Join the freedom cell movement – http:freedomcells.org


Join the Texas Freedom Cell Encrypted Telegram Chat – https://t.me/joinchat/EFipEBspE3uFf5u…

Join the Texas Freedom Cell Facebook Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/texas…

Join the Texas Freedom Cell Cell on FreedomCells.org – https://freedomcells.org/cells/texas-…

How to get started……

1. Form a freedom cell group with around 8 of your closest friends, family members, associated

2. Work towards common goals such as A. three months food storage B. encrypted communication channels C. all members have firearms and know how to use them D. all members have a bug out plan E. whatever goals work for your needs

3. Encourage other people in your community to form freedom cell groups and network with them to form larger networked groups


Hosted by
John Bush

John Bush is a radical activist, entrepreneur, and father of two based in Austin, TX. He owns Brave Botanicals which offer high quality kratom and CBD and founded the Freedom Cell Network, a mutual aid society intended to help individuals secure their inherent sovereignty.

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